Princess Rajwa elegantly adorned herself in a meticulously crafted gown by Saudi designer Honayda Serafi during the King’s silver jubilee celebrations in Jordan. The exquisite red attire, delicately hand-embroidered, showcased her refined taste and style. Interestingly, this marked the second time the royal chose a creation by the esteemed designer, following her selection of a gown for her pre-wedding henna celebrations just over a year ago.
June 27, 2024
Princess Rajwa elegantly adorned herself in a meticulously crafted gown by Saudi designer Honayda Serafi during the King’s silver jubilee celebrations in Jordan. The exquisite red attire, delicately hand-embroidered, showcased her refined taste and style. Interestingly, this marked the second time the royal chose a creation by the esteemed designer, following her selection of a gown for her pre-wedding henna celebrations just over a year ago.
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